Monday, 16 July 2012


* Please bear in mind that I may change aspects of these to suit the development of my successful ideas throughout the project, and also based on any possible late responses I may get from theatres.

To promote and demystify Shakespeare and Theatre.
To break barriers between audience and theatre.
To explore a new way in which Shakespeare/ theatre can be perceived.

To strike a balance between my two current options, I think I will (for the moment!) try to aim my project towards teenagers, especially those that will be tackling rougher concepts of Shakespeare in their later school years.

The aim from this audience will be to attempt to keep their interest and open-mindedness about Shakespeare and going to the theatre, rather than teach them more about him. If I can make Shakespeare relatable to them, then hopefully the gruelling process of  English GCSE won't have ruined him forever!

To show that Shakespeare's plays relate to human nature even now, not just then.
To try and show that theatre can be interesting and kinetic.
To make something that appears to be 'theatrical' current to its audience.

To use general aspects of Shakespeare from his various famous plays. Each of the most recognisable bits should be able to show an over-all impression of Shakespeare, and will avoid focusing down the message of one play too much when it is about expressing his relevance generally.

This will be a marketing project to complete the aims mentioned above to the benefit of theatre and of understanding Shakespeare for a wider audience.

Use projection as the main material to produce the message and initially conduct around an audience. Develop this content later through other various platforms that are currently being used by theatres, such as online videos. Consideration of how this secondary use of the project will have to be taken, though it is as a result of the prior marketing product rather than an effect to it.

Possibly in schools. Most likely created externally using studios, external filming, editing the content to be projected and distributed in a different location.

Schools, around the corridors, or possibly to film reactions shots around these areas. Not looking forward to the obvious CBD type checks to do this though! (Think it will be impossible?). Maybe around recreational areas that they audience will most likely spend time, e.g. parks, cinema's, general town/ public areas...?

The secondary distribution of this project/ content can be online via social networking sites, or theatre specific sites.

How can I use projection in a way that people would recognise as theatrical?
What can I produce that will make Shakespeare more relevant to my targeted audience?

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