Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Thoughts on the RSC Interview

I could have asked more questions about the video mapping techniques they used on the building, which company did they use, what were their aims for it etc etc.

However I did find some of the things mentioned helpful for partially validating my project ideas and direction:

- the fact that they are using materials like projection and video mapping.
- their belief that these new platforms and marketing methods not always having to be "theatrical" as there is no way to replicate live performance and it's all about giving a taste of what theatre could be like to an audience who wouldn't necessarily go to it.
- that they would target the slightly older, younger generation rather than GCSE age because of the simple fact that they would bring in more revenue. This is good for my idea Four because of its lack of direction towards school teenagers compared to the other ideas.
- they haven't really tried that much in the way of taking their marketing initiatives out into public areas other than playing their trailers on outdoor screens.

Questions now are:

- Should I change my target audience in my brief?
Well the content should still be relevant to any of the younger generation, the only difference is the way it is exposed to them. The content is what drives the audience, who actually is the audience is based on chance.

- How can I improve my locations? As (based on feedback from course mate), the ones in the example give off more of a homeless charity campaign about them, which isn't my intention. More vibrant and busy places need to be found?
It seems that this is one of the next things to be concerned about. I should put more thought into this or make the effort to go location hunting for the ideal projection platforms around the city.

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