Sunday, 30 September 2012

Intros and Outros with Original Shakespeare

After speaking to a course mate, they suggested that the use of original shakespeare randomly throughout the diary ruined the 'flow' of it and it was a bit of a surprise but in a bad way. If it ruined the effectiveness of watching the vlog then maybe it was more detrimental than beneficial for highlighting Shakespeare. They then suggested that I could use the original language to create the intro and outros. So with that in mind, I have been taking a few basic approaches and seeing if they work with the original Shakespeare language in those positions etc etc!

P.S. with the hand written animations, I thought each person could write or make their own for their video, keeping it lo-fi enough to fit with the 'vlog' style and also personal enough to fit the character as well (as I hope they would).

Simple black-background title of the character name with Shakespeare language audio. Ending with hand writing of "Bards Talk" with more Shakespeare audio.

Handwriting character name with Shakespeare language audio. Ending with hand writing of "Bards Talk" with more Shakespeare audio.

Character name title over Shakespeare language film footage. Ending with Ending with hand writing of "Bards Talk" with more Shakespeare audio.

Character name title over Shakespeare language film footage. Ending with Shakespeare language film footage overlapping with the hand written "Bards Talk".

Handwriting character name with no audio. Ending with hand writing of "Bards Talk" WITH Shakespeare audio.

NO INTRO. Ending with hand writing of "Bards Talk" with more Shakespeare audio.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

THOUGHTS on Original Shakespeare

After watching all variations, my gut instinct is that use of the original Shakespeare lines incorporated throughout the modernised diary, in the same garb/position/appearance, works best. It is ok seen just once but if there are at least two points where there is some Shakespeare then it hits the point home more solidly. It depends on how well it fits into the edited video.

I like it when it is incorporated in the video, and is in the same garb, because you sort of don't notice it, especially when the Shakespeare that is said works surprisingly well with the flow of modern talk!

The only other version I could see working is the original garb line stuck at the end of the footage, because it's like a little side note that is a bit awkward but because it's at the end, the point is still put across more.

Trying Variations with Other Characters


Same Footage - 1x Shakespeare incorporated

Same Footage - 1x Shakespeare at the END


Same Footage - 1x Shakespeare incorporated

Same Footage - 2x Shakespeare incorporated

Incorporating Original Shakespeare

As discussed in my presentation feedback, it was suggested that I incorporate more content to do with Shakespeare to support the diaries and the point of my idea (to increase Shakespeare interest and understanding!).

I have already tried using text over image in earlier tests and didn't find it effective. I have therefore used my original 'Juliet' video to model all the different ways I think I could incorporate Shakespeare's original language, through different edits, shots or points of the diary.

Same Footage - 1x Shakespeare incorporated

Same Footage - 2x Shakespeare incorporated

Same Footage - 1x Shakespeare at the END

Different Footage - 1x Shakespeare incorporated

Different Footage - 2x Shakespeare incorporated

Different Footage - 1x Shakespeare at the END

Friday, 28 September 2012

First Outro Tests

I tried playing around with more lo-fi approaches to the outro graphics for "Bards Talk".

Trying out a simple filming of a person writing the channel name/brand concept on paper (Teo different styles).

This was me trying to think of what the average person would consider doing first, which was a basic centre title page (Titles).

This is me writing the SIMPLIFIED options that people could then follow to find out more information.

Again, a simple single image of options people could click on to find out the extra information needed about Shakespeare. I would put annotation boxes over these in YouTube.

These are just basic image stills that ANYONE could easily put at the end of their videos, with the brand name.

After speaking to a friend, I asked her what she would have done to end her video (she did Beatrice), and she was suggesting all these different interesting things. I explained that they were great but I couldn't expect the people I've already asked to do things, to do MORE things. 

But she gave me the idea that there should be more variety or choice in what people could choose to put at the end of theirs videos, rather than the images above. SO I thought that I could make a large series of images all with "Bards Talk" in them, but illustrating different themes or emotions to fit the variety of stories in the images. This would work like the 'company' Bards Talk giving participants the choice of stock images to put at the end of their videos when they are contributing. 

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Tests to do from Feedback

Original Shakespeare

Vlog mixed with old (Shakespeare) line throughout the delivery:
- delivery in same appearance as the "modern" delivery
- delivery in different appearance to the "modern" delivery

Vlog ends with old (Shakespeare) lines:
- delivery in same appearance as the "modern" delivery
- delivery in different appearance to the "modern" delivery

End Title/Channel Graphics

Shot of hand writing on paper:
- "Bards Talk. Join in and Respond. Find out more about this Shakespeare character in the links below."
- "To learn more or join in, visit the links below"

Create final slide using clip-art images, simple text, Shakespeare's head?

Closing 'swish' graphics only, the content simplified.

Presentation Feedback (Eugenie & Toby)

They liked the video diary content and idea.

Not sure about:

- why would I want to go to Shakespeare after watching these personal videos?
- the dialogue can be interchangeable.
- Shakespeare's dialogue is actually quite modern.
- keen on the idea of public contribution.

I argued this point, saying that it is only meant as a taster, to spark curiosity, to catch people who relate to it and who wants to find out more, which is where public contribution would be most effective.

Intro & Content:

- does it need an intro? Maybe just launch straight into the diary and then close with the logo packaging at the end.
- maybe it could could have an original Shakespeare sentence at the end.
- it should look like something that person in the video was able to make.
- do different tests of something more lo-fi, just explain why it is the way it is.

I understand where they are coming from with this point. Perhaps there can be more content in the videos that is related back to Shakespeare (not just the name of the character that's shown). I am happy to do more tests of this and also the intro production methods and looks. Only thing is is that if the branding style of 'Bards Talk' is changed then my idea changes as well, my final submission content is still unclear to me.

Graphic Style:

- the graphics you use have to relate to the informality of the video/ presentation of Shakespeare. It's an independent thing, it should be a concept of what Shakespeare should be like.
- make the idea follow through.
- if you are uncomfortable with graphics then just have the videos WITHOUT graphics.

This was a bit babbly to me. If logo/graphic design isn't my strong point, saying things like "it should be a concept of what Shakespeare should be like" is confusing! Although, I think it is a continuation from the points above.


- talk to the people at the Globe theatre.
- the website does not need to be designed, it doesn't seem necessary, the videos are the content.
- come across with your point of view, what do YOU prefer?

I already tried approaching the Globe and they were stubbornly silent. What do I prefer? Probably as much use of video as possible. I can get the people to do something extra to close the vid off (based on results of my tests), though relying on further help from the same people will be VERY difficult. So maybe like suggested, try working with simple graphics to fit with the videos.

I can possibly see the idea of the whole website etc dropping away. Maybe it works through information within the videos themselves, and then encouraging comments and further contribution.

Test 3 - Intro Graphics

Annotation "Buttons"

Considering what the buttons could say:

"Who's the character?"
"What's the story?"
"Where can I see this?"

Should I put the links to the other character videos as annotations and then the links to the rest of the general information as external links around the 'outside' of the video?

The annotations to other characters' videos could be more playful:

"See ***'s response"
"See what they are talking about"
"Who is his problem with?"
"See a response"

etc. etc.

Here are the designs I went through for the buttons:

Final design one.

Final design two.

I tried to use elements from the new design direction that I've been going through for the website visuals, using the feather and banner designs. This was only supposed to be a simple embellishment so that it would compliment the look and be more interesting, but not distract from the writing inside.

New Logo (close up)

Here is the development/ different variations of the newer logo I came up with and that you can see in the website visuals prior.

Seeing which looks better, stacking the logo or having it on one long line. I asked people's opinions and the majority comment was that the longer, thinner one was slightly better as it 'flowed' more.

I then tried to incorporate the slogan with the channel logo, fitting it casually along the banner. I quite like how the top (stacked) one looks like the quill has written the slogan.

Tried putting the slogan on the long, thin one to look like the quill wrote it. People have reported back to me that it doesn't work as well and in fact needs to fit against the flow/edge of the banner even more.

Just tried looking at the logo against the different backgrounds.

Rough Website Visuals

Here are some test visuals I made after creating the moodboard. I wanted to test placement of the videos, tabs, channel name logo etc.

The logo that I have created is very different to the ones I was playing round with earlier, but I really liked the script and feather banner thing with "poetry" on it in the mood board. I also based the background and colours on the nebular space pictures, hoping to kind of make them look like a good mixture of modern/new/exiting with old/nostalgic/interesting.....maybe.

Central logo, uniform layout of videos.

Central logo, random scattering of videos.

Side logo, structured video layout. Live text window at the side for viewer response etc. plus tabs. The logo has the name across two levels.

Slightly different colour background (different nebular).

I'm not sure which is 'the best', but I suppose the style of layout above, with the live text window feed box thingy, shows the potential of interaction and information in the website....maybe. 


I created a small moodboard to help me in designing rough visuals for what the 'website' or platform could look like.

Similar Platforms/ Websites

YouTube, obviously.

As mentioned, Ustream is a live streaming video/channel website from public "vloggers".

This is an interactive site people can load their content/artwork, and interpretations of Shakespeare, onto. It is an example of a Shakespeare dedicated space.

Metacafe is another video platform that works in the same way as YouTube.

Pottermore is not video based but has an interactive, narrative approach.

HSN is a shopping channel that purely online streams video content.

It is actually really difficult to think of a lot of niche sites that you can interact and load and view content on. It's like I need YouTube's capabilities with the narrative potential of Pottermore.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

How does it work?


Hosts the videos of the characters that have most recently uploaded (live feed).
Tabs of further info options such as:
- About
(explanation of the site)
- Characters
- Plays
- Theatres/shows (by the company possibly sponsoring the site etc)
- Participate 
(If the site was expanded enough it could allow people to join in and respond to these videos as their own characters etc. RULES would have to be made to allow the content to remain relevant and contributions would have to be monitored?! Maybe too broad an extension  so hinted but not elaborated?)

Character Videos

Information to be provided through links or annotations:
- Original story/ text
- Shows of the play currently at theatres
- Merchandise 
(especially if it was specifically controlled by a company so could link to their merchandise  or related to that character or play).
- Another character video from the same play, so the story can be built up as people are lead to more and more videos from the play.

How should this info be linked/shown?
If the videos were hosted on YouTube, I could link the info through annotation buttons.
Under or around the video in its own environment on the official website/ platform.


Basic explanation into the purpose of the idea, and its goals to accomodate a new understanding of Shakespeare.


What info should be provided if participants were allowed?

- Participate as an existing character from Shakespeare's plays. Existing characters only? To extend the story. ("what happens next?", think how you can carry the story on).
- Respond as a person in a similar sounding position in their lives ("my story's the same").
- Respond as a public viewer to express opinion of scenarios.

Character / Show Tabs

This could just to make it easier for the viewer to navigate through specific parts of the "Shakespeare Experience". Each tab has a list of the character and plays related videos that are currently on the site.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

The Idea

This is just to re-cap on the outline of my project before I move on to work through the details and visuals....

It is a branded channel or website which is built to host video diaries shown as being from characters from Shakespeare's plays. Each video is a personal, intimate presentation of a situation or experience, related to Shakespeare's characters', but in an entirely modern way. It should be in a way that younger people, or anyone really, would be able to watch and relate to.

To create a purpose for these videos and the channel itself, access to more information can be provided through watching the videos, which the audience will hopefully want to follow further. This could be to an extensive range of things such as the following:

- The full text of the play,
- List of current showings of the play in various theatres,
- Merchandise related to the play,
- General events, discussions, exhibitions about Shakespeare that are going on,
- More videos to other characters,
- More videos to characters from the same play, linked in a way that extends the story, gradually revealing more and more of it in an exciting and interactive way.

So not only is general information provided, but there is this opportunity to create an interactive and growing element of the audience discovering the stories for themselves. This could then lead to avenues of public involvement as the forefront of the progression of this site. It could be relied upon for the public to:

- Continue or add to the character stories,
- Provide their own real-life stories that they feel relate to the character videos,
- Add an opinion of the situation.

This platform could hold potential for seeing Shakespeare in a new light, provided on platforms the online community are recognising more and more. This is all about attracting a new and younger audience to the concept of Shakespeare, making his stories feel accessible and understood, and showing that his visions human behaviour isn't really that different to things that happen today. Human nature never changes.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


I had another tutorial this week with David. I proposed the idea that the video diaries could be hosted on a specific/ specially made website, similar to Youtube or Ustream, where the characters provide their videos for the public.

The graphics I tried to produce were intended to make it appear like the character was streaming the video live (like how Ustream works). I was worried about the quality of my graphic design and branding skills, especially as I know this isn't my forte. David expressed the quality of the concept of my idea and that I should focus on the details of this before focusing on the look of it.

Points made:

- Providing more information based on interested gained watching the video?
e.g. link to the original Shakespearian text, link to a performance that's showing, merchandise, specific theatre website, like the RSC (though I think this idea can remain neutral to all theatres and locations for the moment).

- Annotations:
I could use annotations (pictures with links that come up in the video) to link the video to this extra information. 

- Building the story:
I also said that it could link to another character's video from the same play, so that the story could gradually evolve through this diary format.

- Public contribution:
Consider whether people could respond to these videos with their own interpretations or to continue the story. Should there be rules, e.g. always in front of the camera, no actors? etc. The material and interest can grow by relying on public contribution (?)

- Homemade feel:
The concept is to target normal people from any background, and help them understand Shakespeare in a completely novel way. It targets young people as it is using these online platforms and methods of communication that the younger generation are recognising and using more and more.


From this point, I need to:
- Iron out the details of this concept, how it works, how it can be built up, how it achieves all my objectives etc.
- Collect more content (character video diaries) so that I am able to show examples of the story building idea etc.
- THEN, tweek the design of the graphics so it runs a little more smoothly and improved if I can.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Graphics with Different Colours TEST 2

Trying out on a black background, I quite like the drama the colours create. It's more bold. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the quill channel logo done on the black background, but I can imagine the quill could be quite effective and hopefully you can tell what I'll be like from this short test?

Opening and Closing Graphics TEST 1

This is the test at visualising how the opening and closing graphics for the video channel (to host the character video diaries) could work. It is using one of the logos, but not the final decided one. I just wanted to practice at using After Effects to create the animation, and also how the information and logos would appear and in what order.

It still needs a lot of work, for example, the website details at the end is an after thought, and the colouring isn't that great, but I don't want to make it too much more complicated, as I will struggle to complete anything much better because of my lack of After Effects skills!!!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Designing the Channel Logo

I chose the name "Bards Talk" because it is simple, short, references Shakespeare as 'the bard', but isn't immediately obvious as to possibly switch people off if they think it's just about Shakespeare.

My Graphic Design skills (ironically) are not strong, so I am worried I won't be able to effectively execute this idea as it relies on the believable graphics I can add onto otherwise simple videos and idea.

I tested out a few fonts and picked two favourites, both different in the fact that one ( Bell Gothic Std) projects a more modern, clean feeling and fits the online environment more, whereas the other (Adobe Garamond Pro) is more traditional and suits the classic-ness of what Shakespeare and the theatre is. I have then put together a few formats with slight differences tested on each version.

Aspects like colour and tone will be looked at later.