Wednesday, 26 September 2012

How does it work?


Hosts the videos of the characters that have most recently uploaded (live feed).
Tabs of further info options such as:
- About
(explanation of the site)
- Characters
- Plays
- Theatres/shows (by the company possibly sponsoring the site etc)
- Participate 
(If the site was expanded enough it could allow people to join in and respond to these videos as their own characters etc. RULES would have to be made to allow the content to remain relevant and contributions would have to be monitored?! Maybe too broad an extension  so hinted but not elaborated?)

Character Videos

Information to be provided through links or annotations:
- Original story/ text
- Shows of the play currently at theatres
- Merchandise 
(especially if it was specifically controlled by a company so could link to their merchandise  or related to that character or play).
- Another character video from the same play, so the story can be built up as people are lead to more and more videos from the play.

How should this info be linked/shown?
If the videos were hosted on YouTube, I could link the info through annotation buttons.
Under or around the video in its own environment on the official website/ platform.


Basic explanation into the purpose of the idea, and its goals to accomodate a new understanding of Shakespeare.


What info should be provided if participants were allowed?

- Participate as an existing character from Shakespeare's plays. Existing characters only? To extend the story. ("what happens next?", think how you can carry the story on).
- Respond as a person in a similar sounding position in their lives ("my story's the same").
- Respond as a public viewer to express opinion of scenarios.

Character / Show Tabs

This could just to make it easier for the viewer to navigate through specific parts of the "Shakespeare Experience". Each tab has a list of the character and plays related videos that are currently on the site.

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