Sunday, 9 September 2012

New Research Question?

Looking back at my original research question, it has become apparent that much about the ideas I have had haven't achieved quite all the goals I originally set out to look at. Like the brief, the question needs to be slightly altered to help me rather than hinder me.


How can we use the tools of moving image, through projection, to express the communicative potential of the theatrical environment, specifically with Shakespeare's work?


How else (meaning that I know it's not a new idea/ concept) can we use the tools and platforms (the theme I'm working within is using these online platforms as the key to reaching the younger audience) of moving image to express the relevance of Shakespeare (all my ideas are based more around modernising Shakespeare than the theatre) and the communicative potential of theatrical content (theatres are involving themselves with this online content movement, even if it doesn't have anything obvious to do with theatre).

** UPDATE **

Apparently my Research Question needs to be shorter than either of these! SO:

"How can we express the relevance of Shakespeare through moving image?"

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