Tuesday, 30 October 2012

LAST Tutorial!

It was confirmed that my promo fim was ok and that therefore my project is basically complete, especially now that I have my reports and everything printed. The promo film could have been a bit slicker and loose ends on the clips could have been tidier or the look of each person's camera consistant throughout the film, but Penny understood how it would be difficult and how it was meant to add to the feel and point of the channel/project anyhow (homemade).

Since I have completed the necessary parts a week early, Penny suggested that I use this week to work on the weak points of my project. In this case, it was my BRANDING and LOGO DESIGN, obviously.  It was also suggested that I consider my marketing methods for now and the future. All this new work should then be complied as a small PDF to print and put into the reports as a loose sheet of paper, to add to the Critical Reflection.

It needs to look more like what the channel is about. A modern view of Shakespeare. All the serif fonts or quills aren't needed as the videos I've made are too new and old references aren't relevant. It all needs to come together more as a complete Graphic Design package. Channel Logo, Logo on end of promo film, Logo on flyers for marketing.

Various ideas about printing on post-its, and making the logo look more like a tattoo (as I originally intended) have already been considered and should possibly be looked into further.

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