Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Promotional Video

It was suggested that a promotional video should be made to introduce the Bards Talk channel. This would lead the viewer into the channel, and be the tool to help gain initial interest.

It needs to explain it's relation to Shakespeare, why this is a relevant topic of interest, and how the videos play a part. Another important part would be to make the viewer aware of the necessity of joining in and taking part, and hopefully make them want to take part!

This video should reflect the other videos on the channel, in terms of its production methods, formatting and visual appearance. It should look like a home video recording, talking to the camera like it's a video diary. Elements of handwritten titles or lo-fi titles should be added to help structure it, and add to the message.

I thought I could film it all with me, but then realised that I want to keep the promo vid universal. Just using me would be too personal and make the channel not about everyone, which it is supposed to be open to. I also wanted to try and then film different people speaking the lines into the same camera, to keep the visual and audio quality constant, but I think that I may not get enough content to help make it that way, and it may loose the "home video" element I was trying to achieve. The most effective way to produce this may only become clear when I start testing and constructing it. However, I am running out of time, and may not get all the initial support I once had with all the previous videos, so how it turns out will all depend on this. Hopefully it will be ok.

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